Thursday, March 02, 2006

I met a gal...

The stage was set...n music was piercing the diaphragm of my ear...I wanted to move...I wanted to dance...coz the beats were rockin my nerves...but I was feelin lonely...too lonely...

I always live in the in the moment that we call NOW...but that day...solitude had gripped me...I was seein ppl dancin...movin their body on the sound of music...I wanted to move...I wanted to rock the floor...but I was lonely...

In that eyes were lukin 4 eyes were searching 4 someone...someone divine...someone beautiful...someone killin....

N then I saw her...I saw those curly hair...I saw that divine smile...But hey I'm can I approach her...I havn't ever done that...I can't do
I haven't ever talked to her...but I want to talk to her...I wanna ask her for dance...but I hav the guts...N then I said to myself...Comon...this is the time...its now or in the present...just do a man...

N then I jumped on my foot...I climbed the stairs...I saw her chattin with her frens...shouting infact so that she can be heard in the loud music...

I approached her...walkin through the crowd...cutting the different groups of ppl...guys n gals talkin n dancing...but the world stopped in front of my eyes...the air was silent...the music was loud...but I wasn't able to hear any of it...

N I was there...I saw the divine eyes in front of me...the words came out..."Why aren't u guys dancing???"
She said "Its so crowdy out there...I dont know how to reach there..."
I said "I'll show u the way..."
N she followed me...we reached the floor...

N So it all began...the smiles are mine...all so divine...But I am afraid...will they b mine forever...I'm the world...I know I am...but I dont know why....I'm still afraid...